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All Directives

v-backtopAdd a return to top function for an element
v-clickOutsideEvent when clicking outside the element triggers
v-copyCopy the passed value to the clipboard
v-debounceAnti-shaking function
v-doubleClickTrigger an event on double-click
v-draggableMakes elements draggable
v-ellipsisOmit excess text
v-emojiProhibit emoji input
v-emptyUsed to display empty status
v-flickerElement flicker
v-focusInput box autofocus
v-highlightText highlighting
v-hoverTriggers a callback after the element
v-inputInput formatting
v-lazyImgLazy image loading
v-loadingAdd loading animation
v-longpressTrigger event when long pressing an element
v-moneyFormat numbers into money format
v-onOnceOnly one callback is triggered
v-permissionRapid realization of authentication
v-resizeResponse to resize the element
v-rippleAdd ripple dynamic effects to the clicked element
v-slideInAdd entry animation
v-throttleThrottling function
v-waterMarkerAdd custom watermark

Directives classification


v-slideInAdd entry animation
v-flickerElement flicker

performance optimization

v-debounceAnti-shaking function
v-throttleThrottling function
v-lazyImgLazy image loading
v-onOnceOnly one callback is triggered


v-clickOutsideEvent when clicking outside the element triggers
v-doubleClickTrigger an event on double-click
v-hoverTriggers a callback after the element
v-longpressTrigger event when long pressing an element

Pseudo component

v-rippleAdd ripple dynamic effects to the clicked element
v-waterMarkerAdd custom watermark
v-emptyUsed to display empty status


v-backtopAdd a return to top function for an element
v-copyCopy the passed value to the clipboard
v-emojiProhibit emoji input
v-inputInput formatting
v-focusInput box autofocus
v-loadingAdd loading animation
v-moneyFormat numbers into money format
v-permissionRapid realization of authentication


v-ellipsisOmit excess text
v-highlightText highlighting
v-draggableMakes elements draggable
v-resizeResponse to resize the element


More instructions to be developed 🚧, see the Open Source

Released under the MIT License.